Saturday, May 2, 2009

majlis kawennn....hafiz & nurul asyikin...

nie pic maser kazen haku kawen aritoh...
silerr2 tgk...
agak2 baper umor dier neyhh?
same age wif me...
sumer seyyyyyyyyyyyyybooooooooooooookkkkkkkk tnyer haku biler lg...
haku byk komitmen nk kene jg...
haku nk at least haku da ader everything first...
kete,rumah,kerjaya yg bagos,bisnes sendiri(if boleh,insyaallah)
bg kesenangan kt my parent first...
walopon dorg xpnah kesahhh coz gaji dorg byk lg...if pencen pon stil 2bln gaji haku...
yg pntg haku xsshkn dorg...
lps toh lasssssssssssssttttttt skalik bru haku pk pasal diri haku...


SwapNAVY said...

get well soon

zahiera249 said...

thanx ankel swappppp.... :(

mardya ramlee said...

saya sukerrrrrrrrrr pepel!!!
puaskn diri sniri dlu bru pk kawen...huhuh

zahiera249 said...

betol2 madipepel...
take care of urself first..
make sure u da ader assets yg bleh mnjamin u in the future if anything happen....