smlm kn cdt card haku kene blocked.
patotlaaa haku wat txn asek declined jerrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
ngokngekk betoll...
haku kol laa card centre tnyer nape ngn ccd haku nie...
taww dak cse toh ckp aperrrrr?????????
ccd haku kene blocked due to suspicious txn...
dgn xsemena2 membuatkn haku mrhhhh..
haku tnyer laaa which txn yg suspicious n why there's nobody called me to informed that there's a suspicious txn????????
dat guy ckp laa ader officer tried to called me...
i said noooooooooo....
if mmg betol ader org kol,there will be a misscall notification...
i didnt received even misscall from your side...
gimme da date n time when is the officer tried to called me?
any details yg ckp they tried to contacted me but was uncontactable?
dat guy tewosss terdiyammmmmm....
agak2 laaa nk menipu haku kn...
haku lg taw process nie dri ko ok...
sooo,u r messing wif the wrong personnn...
haku mtk namer dier n manager dier...
haku demand manager dier kol me back within 24 hrs from the time haku kol card centre toh...
tawww takott...
tp smpai mlm td haku still xreceived kol back from the manager...
taw haku wat aperr???????
haku kol blk card centre n teros ckp i want to make a complaint...
xsmpai 5 menet haku wat komplen,manager dierr kol haku...
haku ckp laa,dis is not the correct way...
biler haku da ckp haku demand manager kol haku blk...
within 24hrs...
xphm2 bhs kerrr???????????
kn xpasal2 haku da escalate kes neyh kerrr manager kpd manager dat guy...
pdn mukaaa...
taw plak nk bg compensation...
tp haku xmoooooo.....
haku nk an official apology letter from the manager kpd manager dat guy...
haku tunggu laa,if dlm 2 3 ari haku stil xdpt gak...
mmg haku teross wat complaint scare besar2 an...
time to saiko dorg,salu haku asek kene saiko ngn singaporeans jerrr...
Program kacau bubur asyura perdana 2023.
Program kacau bubur asyura perdana 2023.
Alhamdulillah. Selesai sudah.
Semalam, telah berlangsungnya program mengacau bubur asyura per...
1 year ago
pe kes ni???
bank mane??
our bank ker???
if our bank sape name person tu???
tu la keja aku sbnornyerr beb...
blocked card if txn tu suspicious...
but we call CM 1st before blk card...if not then kitorng sent SMS to Cm tok notify..
ko ade rcvd SMS x???
if x rcvd then mmg patot ko mara ler...heheheh..
txn pe yg suspicious tu beb???
klu aku...aku lepas jer seme txn.mls nak blk card...
tp kekadang kena gak aku ngan bos bile txn yg aku lpas tu Fraud txn..hehehe..
sian nyer dia.....
go zahiera..
go zahieraaa...
yours sincerely,
=miss stone fire=
akak xde kad kedit....yg ada kad Tesco dgn myKad je huhuhu....
Garang giler budak ni...lebih garang dr aku lak....ekekeke...
beb...mukan bank kiterr...
aderlaaa 1 bank neyhh...
haku xreceive sms,xde miskol not even kol dri dorg tetibe nk blocked kad haku....
ngokngekk metolll...
haku nk purchase flight tix online lerr...
haku try guna kt tmpt laen pon xleyh...
ko autho yekkk???????
goo sis tucennnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
kakazz,ade mase mmg kene garang laa...
mukan salu...
yup autho...
ohhhh..booking ticket..
beb...skang ni byk fraud txn dr Air ticket..sbb bt on9 kan...dats y dorng blocked kad ko..tp care nyer slh..dorng x call n sms ko...
klu bkn bank kiter...
go ahead beb!!!
g complaint...
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