Sunday, July 12, 2009


haku da lamer pkai celcom broadband neyh...jarang lerr mmberi masalah kt haku....
tp td bleyh plak wat hall kn broadband haku nie...
haku kol selkom careline,haku argue dgn dat cse lebeyh kurg 40minutes ok...
ngokngeekkk betoll...
haku tnyer dier since when network problem neyh...dier ckp since yesterday 8pm...
aper lggg...
membebel laaa haku...
since yesterday smpai skang network problem toh x fixed yet kerr????
i do put my trust on celcom broadband but coz of this issues,kepercayaan haku kt telco liputan plg meluas d malaysia neyh maken berkurangan...
haku tnyer dier,ur technician n engineer was not working on sunday or what???kemonlaaa...ko toh jager network...telco okkk...
mukannyer mcm ktorg yg keje bank neyh..
toh pon ader jerr kastemer sengal kol pg2 buta....
kastemer yg xder life n keje..
haku penah tnyer ngn telco kuning ngn telco merah,which on was the most best coverage kt malaysia neyh..
2 2 telco still admit celcom still da best...
tp service camnie yg haku dpt????????????
patot kerrr?????????
kemonlaaa.........tensyen jerr haku...da puas haku bebel2...haku nk gak soh dier wat haku connected to the network again..
haku soh dier wat mcm2...hahahahaha....
dier plak asek dok ckp hold on arr miss..hold on arr miss...which is bg haku not professional langsong....
ingt ckp ngn saper camtoh?????
naper x ckp can i put u on hold for a while miss?let me check further?????
susah sgt kerr???????


SwapNAVY said...

biasalah cikdilla x menjadi keterbiasaan bagi orang malaysia mcm 2...

KAK AZZ said...

akak lak kalau tenet problem je salu kol TM sbb akak guna streamyx.....jawapan yg salu akak dapat ialah....cuba cik tengok 3 lampu kt modem tu menyala tetap ke nyala kelip2...cuba off sekejap modem tu...pastu on balik, tgk boleh ke tak....pastu bla....bla...bla...

tp akak tak pernah lagi hamun dorang directly walopun memang rasa nak buat camtu skali skala...huhuhu...

zahiera249 said...

sayer xhamun dorg laa kakazz...
cuma sayer bebel2 jerlaaa....
bayo mahal2 tp service cam Ampehh...